Thursday, August 19, 2010

Urethritis Doxycyclin

meditation history

meditation with tea © MT

Sets or lies down to you and you begin to relax slowly.
Breathe deeply in and out slowly and let your mind wander.

Just imagine it's out winter. It's cold and snowing very lightly.
You look out the window and watched the soft snow.
You sit in a comfortable chair and stands next to a small table.

your you feel comfortable and warm, for you are nestled right in a warm blanket.
The head rests on a pillow. You sit really comfortably.

standing next to you an empty teacup and a beautifully shaped teapot on the table.
In the teapot you have delicious hot tea.
It smells wonderful. Maybe after orange and cinnamon or by some other good fragrance.
you get like drinking a cup of hot tea.

carefully take the teapot in her hand.
It feels heavy.
It is packed full with delicious tea.

poured slowly and deliberately her tea in a nice glass of tea.
The steam from the hot tea and high-rises you watch as he rises out of the cup upward. The
Teeduft surrounds you.

is slow to pay the teapot back on the table and includes the tea glass.
It's hot. You must be careful that you do not you burn your fingers.

enjoys with her small sips of hot tea.
It tastes good and warms you from the inside.
The belly is quite warm. You feel like the tea goes in your body into it. After the tea tastes
Is it sweetened?
Is milk in it?
What color is your tea?

you put the cup again next to the teapot. A beautiful picture.

You look out the window and watches the snow before.
you feel good and have it really comfortable in the chair.

you enjoy the peace and quiet ... ...

comes slowly back and stretches and stretches you. Clenching your hands into a fist and let it go.
Sit on now and tell me what tea you enjoyed it and what you usually felt before.


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